Sponsorship application - Major 2024-25

This is a preview of the Queensland Government sponsorship application - Major - Round 8 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Major sponsorship application form

This major sponsorship application form is for requests seeking $10,001 or more (GST exclusive) in sponsorship funding from the Queensland Government.

If you are seeking either cash or in-kind sponsorship of $10,000 or less (GST exclusive) from the Queensland Government, please complete the minor sponsorship application form.

Sponsorship provided by the Queensland Government is designed to provide funding for events and initiatives that enhance current government strategic objectives available here.

Sponsorship involves a negotiated exchange and results in tangible, material and mutual benefit between parties.

Sponsorship can be provided to businesses, companies, incorporated associations, not for profit organisations, local councils and registered associations. Sponsorship cannot be provided to individuals.

You are encouraged to apply for sponsorship via the process outlined below. Applications for sponsorship requesting a financial investment of $10,001 or more (GST exclusive) should be lodged at least twelve months ahead of the initiative commencement date.

If you are successful in receiving sponsorship funding, you will be required to enter into a sponsorship agreement with the Queensland Government and fulfil any milestones and deliverables outlined.  

Sponsorship support

Events and initiatives must not be reliant on Queensland Government sponsorship. Sponsorship from the Queensland Government is provided on a one-off basis and should not be relied on for the continuity of your event.

Sponsorship requests will be assessed in accordance with the Queensland Government sponsorship policy. Milestones will be outlined in the sponsorship agreement and must be met before any financial payments can be made. Should these milestones not be met by the specified date or level, the Queensland Government reserves the right to revoke or amend the offer of sponsorship funding.

The level of assistance is limited by the government’s budget and its priorities. No applicant can be guaranteed funding, nor can any applicant be guaranteed to receive the full amount requested.

The outcome detailed in the formal response letter to sponsorship applications is final and will not be further reviewed by the Queensland Government.

Other funding opportunities provided by the Queensland Government are detailed here.

Assessment criteria

Applications will be evaluated and rated against the following criteria:

  • alignment with current government objectives
  • economic, social, environmental, cultural and resource viability of the initiative 
  • benefits and leveraging opportunities for government
  • organisational capability to successfully deliver the initiative.

Priority will be given to those applications which do not fit within a suitable funding program.

Assessment process

Applications will be assessed for their strategic merit and alignment to the assessment criteria and objectives of the government. Consideration will also be given to local needs, emerging issues, and alternate sources of funding.

When submitting your application, you must disclose all matters that may affect the Queensland Government’s decision to assess the application.

Application process

Applications will only be accepted online via this application form. The application form can be saved to be completed later. We recommend allowing appropriate time to compile comprehensive answers with supporting documentation.

The online application form must be completed by a person authorised to apply on behalf of the organisation. The person submitting this form will be asked to declare this and agree to the program terms and conditions on behalf of the organisation.

Applications will be acknowledged via email receipt. Once submitted, your application will be forwarded to the most appropriate department or agency for assessment and direct reply.

You may be asked to provide additional information to support your application during the assessment process.

It can take four months to receive a response to your application and this time frame should be factored into the planning ahead of your initiative. 

To be eligible you must address questions about:

  • your organisation and its capability to successfully deliver the initiative 
  • the initiative details (including consideration to gender and cultural diversity; Queensland suppliers, talent and produce; and environmentally sustainable practices)
  • contingency plans for any unforeseen changes
  • the initiative’s alignment with current government objectives
  • other confirmed sponsors
  • your budget and any financial considerations
  • entitlements and leveraging opportunities for government
  • marketing and communications strategies or plans

Frequently asked questions

What would be required of my organisation if we receive sponsorship funding?

You will be required to:

  • enter into a sponsorship agreement with the Queensland Government (the State)
  • work with the State to ensure appropriate leveraging opportunities are provided
  • obtain all appropriate documentation (e.g. permits, approvals, relevant insurances) and provide copies to the State on request and in accordance with the sponsorship agreement
  • acknowledge the State’s contribution, by, but not limited to incorporating and displaying any logos, signage and merchandise provided by the State
  • provide opportunities or similar for the Premier, minister or delegate in connection with your initiative (e.g., public address, role at an opening ceremony, program foreword)
  • provide all advertising material to the State for approval prior to production
  • work with the State on any matter related to the advertising and promotion of your initiative
  • if applicable, ensure the State is granted an appropriate licence to use, reproduce and communicate to the public any works produced during, or as a result of, your initiative
  • provide the State with images of your initiative accompanied by signed photo consent forms and a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to the images
  • deliver on milestones as detailed in the sponsorship agreement, including submission of status reports
  • deliver the initiative as per the sponsorship agreement
  • provide a final report.

My initiative is within the next four months, should I apply?

It is recommended that applicants apply at least 12 months prior for initiatives with a sponsorship request of $10,000 or more. If your initiative is within the next four months, we recommend you contact Events and Engagement, Department of the Premier and Cabinet on +61 7 3003 9200 to discuss prior to submission.

When will sponsorship funding be available?

If your application is successful, funding will be provided and paid in milestones, as outlined in the sponsorship agreement.

Should I approach other Queensland Government departments for funding?

This will not be necessary. As part of the assessment process, all relevant departments will be consulted.

My initiative is not in Queensland, can I apply?

The initiative must have tangible benefits to the people of Queensland. Therefore, should the initiative be held outside Queensland, tangible benefits will need to be realised for the people of Queensland.


If your application is unsuccessful you may ask for feedback. Contact Events and Engagement, Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC), via email at sponsorship@premiers.qld.gov.au.

Complaints about the outcome of an application can be made in accordance with DPC’s complaints management policy.

Privacy statement

The State of Queensland (the State) is collecting personal information to assess and respond to your organisation's application for sponsorship (the application). Personal information contained in the application may be disclosed to authorised officers from other Queensland Government departments and agencies to assess the application. By submitting the application, you consent to the State disclosing your personal information to non-government entities or government agencies in other jurisdictions which are listed in your application as having previously sponsored your organised or initiative or which have been approached by your organisation for sponsorship, for the purpose of assessing the application. Where the application contains the personal information of others, you agree that you have obtained the consent of such persons for their personal information to be used and disclosed in accordance with this privacy statement.

You should be aware that material provided in the application may be subject to disclosure under the Right to Information Act 2009 subject to the exemptions under that Act.

Further information on the Queensland Government's use and disclosure of personal information can be found at https://www.qld.gov.au/legal/privacy.


Further information

For further information, please contact Events and Engagement, DPC, on telephone 07 3003 9200 or via email at sponsorship@premiers.qld.gov.au.